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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Eugene Homeowner Designs Rain Garden to Prevent Flooding and Manage Stormwater Runoff?

6/4/2024 (Permalink)

Grass growing in a rain garden catches runoff and prevents urban flooding. We respond to flooding emergencies 24/7 in Lane County.

Each year, our local North Eugene and Northwest Lane County teams witness the damage flooding can do to homes and businesses. One way to prevent flooding situations in Eugene is to install a rain garden incorporating native plants and natural features to manage stormwater runoff effectively.

Here are some tips for installing a rain garden:

  • Choose a location that receives runoff from roofs, driveways, and other surfaces and is at least ten feet from buildings
  • Create a shallow depression with gentle slopes to collect water and promote infiltration. The depth of the rain garden should be sufficient to hold water temporarily during storms but not so deep that it becomes a breeding ground for mosquitoes.
  • Use a mix of sandy loam soil and compost to enhance infiltration and provide a suitable growing medium for plants. Amend the existing soil if necessary to improve drainage.
  • Select native plants adapted to the local climate and soil conditions. Choose a mix of grasses, sedges, wildflowers, and shrubs with deep roots to help absorb water, prevent erosion, and provide habitat for wildlife.
  • Use mulch to conserve moisture, suppress weeds, and control soil erosion
  • Install an overflow outlet or swale to safely convey excess water away from the rain garden during heavy rainfall to prevent flooding

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When your home or commercial business in Eugene has flooding damage, our North Eugene and Northwest Lane County teams are Here to Help. ® Call us today at 541-799-0090.

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