Recent Storm Damage Posts

Protecting Your Property: Swift Action After Windstorm Damage in North Eugene?

7/1/2024 (Permalink)

A broken window is shown. We restore wind damage 24/7 in Lane County.

Our local North Eugene and Northwest Lane County teams are leaders in windstorm damage restoration. Windstorms present a severe risk to property integrity, from structural damages to personal safety hazards. The immediate aftermath of such events can leave homes and businesses exposed to further damage. Roof damage, for instance, can lead to water leaks, while broken windows and compromised walls can quickly become entry points for pests and additional moisture.

Fast mitigation services are essential after a windstorm. Our professionals are trained and certified in storm damage response and restoration. They are equipped to handle emergency repairs, such as installing roof tarps and boarding up windows to secure the property. These quick fixes are vital to prevent secondary damage like water damage, mold, and further structural decline, which can create time-consuming and costly repairs.

Quick mitigation also helps maintain the structural integrity of the building and provides safety for its occupants or customers. It also helps preserve the property's value and ensures compliance with insurance policies, which often require prompt reporting and damage mitigation efforts to cover claims.

Hiring our trusted professionals to assess and address the damage immediately after a windstorm can mean the difference between minor repairs and major renovations. Prioritizing rapid response can drastically reduce long-term costs and help speed up the restoration of affected properties.

Call Us Today!

When your home or commercial business in Eugene has wind damage, our North Eugene and Northwest Lane County teams are Here to Help. ® Call us today at 541-799-0090.

SERVPRO® franchises are independently owned and operated.

Franklin Home Suffers Power Outage During a Devastating Windstorm?

6/25/2024 (Permalink)

An outdoor umbrella is knocked over during a windstorm. We respond to storm damage emergencies 24/7 in Lane County.

Our local North Eugene and Northwest Lane County teams respond to wind damage emergencies every year in Franklin. When a windstorm knocks out the power it can be unsettling, but there are things that you can do to stay safe and comfortable:

  • Monitor local weather reports and updates from your utility provider to stay informed about the status of the power outage and any restoration efforts underway.
  • Contact your utility provider to report the outage. Provide as much information as possible, including your location and any visible signs of damage, such as downed power lines or trees.
  • Preserve the battery life of essential devices such as cell phones, flashlights, and radios.
  • Avoid going outside during the windstorm, as flying debris and falling trees can pose serious risks to personal safety.
  • Instead of candles, use flashlights, lanterns, or battery-powered candles for emergency lighting.
  • Keep refrigerator and freezer doors closed as much as possible to maintain cold temperatures and preserve perishable food.
  • Ensure you have adequate potable water on hand to stay hydrated during the outage.
  • Contact neighbors, particularly elderly or vulnerable individuals, to ensure their safety and offer assistance if needed.

Call Us Today!

When your home or commercial business in Franklin sustains wind damage, our North Eugene and Northwest Lane County teams are Here to Help. ® Call us today at 541-799-0090.

SERVPRO® franchises are independently owned and operated.

Franklin Families Prepare Their Homes for Summer Storms?

6/11/2024 (Permalink)

Summer thunderclouds gather in the sky. We respond to storm damage emergencies 24/7 in Lane County.

Each year, our local North Eugene and Northwest Lane County teams restore storm damage in Franklin. Summer storms can wreak havoc on properties if precautions aren't taken.

Water intrusion is one of the most common forms of damage caused by summer storms. Heavy rainfall can overwhelm drainage systems and lead to flooding, damaging crawl spaces, foundations, and interior spaces. Roof leaks can also occur, significantly if shingles are damaged or missing, allowing water to seep into the attic and walls.

Strong winds accompanying summer storms can cause extensive damage to homes, including roof damage, siding damage, and broken windows. Flying debris, such as branches, tree limbs, and even projectiles carried by the wind, can impact structures and cause significant harm.

Additionally, lightning strikes during summer storms risk fire damage to homes, particularly if they ignite dry vegetation, trees, or roofing materials. Electrical surges caused by lightning strikes can also damage home appliances, electronics, and electrical systems.

Summer storms can cause a wide range of damage to homes, including water intrusion, wind damage, hail damage, and fire damage. Homeowners should take proactive measures to protect their properties, such as maintaining drainage systems, securing loose objects, inspecting roofs and siding for damage, and installing surge protection devices.

Call Us!

When your home or commercial business in Franklin has a storm damage emergency, our North Eugene and Northwest Lane County teams are Here to Help. ® Call us today at 541-799-0090.

SERVPRO® franchises are independently owned and operated.

Eugene Home Sustains Damage from Wind Gusts of Fifty Miles Per Hour?

5/28/2024 (Permalink)

A tree falls on a house during a windstorm. We restore storm damage 24 hours a day in Lane County.

Our local North Eugene and Northwest Lane County teams are leaders in storm damage restoration services. Generally, sustained wind speeds of 45-50 miles per hour (mph) or greater are considered capable of causing minor structural damage, such as loose roof shingles or siding.

Eugene, Oregon, experiences wind speeds depending on the prevailing weather patterns and seasonal variations. While Eugene is not typically known for extreme wind events like coastal or mountainous areas, it can still experience gusty conditions under certain circumstances.

On average, wind speeds in Eugene range from 5 to 15 miles per hour (mph) during calm conditions. However, wind speeds can increase significantly during weather systems, such as winter storms or passing cold fronts.

Generally, wind gusts rarely exceed 30 to 40 mph during typical weather events. However, gusts may occasionally reach higher speeds during more intense weather phenomena such as winter storms or localized thunderstorms.

It's important to note that while Eugene is not prone to extreme wind events like some other regions, strong winds can still damage trees, power lines, and structures, particularly during storms with sustained winds or gusts exceeding 50 mph. Residents should stay informed about weather forecasts and be prepared for windy conditions, especially at certain times of the year.

Call Us Today!

When your home or commercial business has wind damage, our North Eugene and Northwest Lane County teams are Here to Help. ® Call us today at 541-799-0090.

SERVPRO® franchises are independently owned and operated.

Spring Rainstorm Causes Water Intrusion Issues in Eugene?

4/30/2024 (Permalink)

Raindrops cover a window during a spring storm. We restore storm damage “Like it never even happened” in Lane County.

Our local North Eugene and Northwest Lane County teams are trained and certified to restore property damage caused by water intrusion issues. We have the training, equipment, and experience to restore storm damage quickly and efficiently.

Eugene typically receives moderate precipitation during the spring months. On average, Eugene gets between 8 to 10 inches of rainfall during the spring season, which spans from March to May. This precipitation often comes in rain showers, with occasional periods of heavier rainfall, especially during the transitional months of March and April.

Spring in Eugene can be characterized by variable weather patterns, including periods of sunshine interspersed with rainy days. The precipitation in spring contributes to the lush greenery and vibrant flora that the region is known for, making it an ideal time for outdoor activities such as hiking and exploring the area's natural beauty.

How Can I Prevent Stormwater Intrusion Issues?

To prevent stormwater intrusion issues, ensure proper drainage by regularly cleaning gutters and downspouts, maintaining grading around the foundation to direct water away from the home, sealing cracks in walls and foundations, installing sump pumps, and landscaping with water-absorbing plants to reduce runoff.

Call Us Today!

When your home or commercial business has water damage issues from a rainstorm, our North Eugene and Northwest Lane County teams are always Here to Help. ® Call us today at 541-799-0090.

SERVPRO® franchises are independently owned and operated.

Eugene Residents Take Measures to Prepare Their Homes for a Spring Windstorm?

4/23/2024 (Permalink)

Portions of a metal roof have been torn off during a windstorm. We are leaders in storm damage restoration services in Lane County.

Our local North Eugene and Northwest Lane County teams restore windstorm damage every year in Eugene. While windstorms in Eugene may not be as frequent or severe as those in coastal or gorge areas, they can still pose property and public safety risks to homes and commercial businesses.

During the spring months, windstorms may occur due to several atmospheric phenomena, including frontal passages, low-pressure systems, or local pressure gradients. These windstorms can bring gusty winds that have the potential to cause damage to trees, power lines, and structures.

Generally, windstorms during the spring are often characterized by gusts ranging from 30 to 50 miles per hour, although higher gusts are sometimes possible. These winds can result in downed trees, power outages, and disruptions to outdoor activities.

While windstorms in Eugene may not be as extreme as those experienced in other parts of Oregon, residents should still take appropriate precautions to prepare for high winds during the spring months. This may include securing outdoor objects, trimming trees and branches, and being aware of hazards outdoors during windy conditions. Additionally, staying informed about weather forecasts and heeding any advisories or warnings from local authorities can help residents stay safe during windstorms.

Call Us Today!

When your home or commercial business has windstorm damage, our North Eugene and Northwest Lane County teams are Here to Help. ® Call us today at 541-799-0090.

SERVPRO® franchises are independently owned and operated.

Franklin Families Prepare for Winter Storm Power Outages?

1/3/2024 (Permalink)

Downed powerlines and a fallen tree are seen in a neighborhood. We respond to storm damage emergencies 24 hours a day in Lane County.

Our local North Eugene and Northwest Lane County teams want everyone in Franklin to be prepared for winter power outages. Here are some things you can do to prepare for a power outage:

Emergency Kit: Assemble an emergency kit that includes flashlights, batteries, a battery-powered radio, non-perishable food, bottled water, warm clothing, blankets, and essential medications.

Alternative Heating: If you have a fireplace or wood-burning stove, ensure it's in working order and stock up on firewood. Invest in a portable propane or kerosene heater for additional heat if needed.

Backup Power: Consider purchasing a generator to provide backup power for essential appliances like the refrigerator, heater, and medical equipment.

Insulation and Sealing: Insulate your home by sealing drafts around windows and doors to retain heat. Proper insulation can help maintain a comfortable temperature during an outage.

Communication: Ensure you have a way to stay informed. Charge your cell phone and have a backup power source, such as a portable charger. Register for emergency alerts from local authorities.

Food and Water: Keep a supply of canned or non-perishable food that requires no cooking. Store extra bottled water for drinking and hygiene.

Stay Warm: Dress in layers and use blankets to stay warm. Close off rooms to conserve heat in the areas you are using.

Emergency Plan: Create a family emergency plan that includes communication and evacuation strategies. Share this plan with all household members.

Call Us Today!

When your home or commercial business in Franklin has a storm damage emergency, our North Eugene and Northwest Lane County teams are Here to Help. ® Call us today at 541-799-0090.

SERVPRO® Franchise is independently owned and operated.

What Can I Do to Prevent Winter Storm Damage to My Home in Eugene?

12/12/2023 (Permalink)

A person clears snow from a walkway. We are leaders in storm damage restoration services in Lane County.

Our local North Eugene and Northwest Lane County team restores storm damage often during winter storms. Minimizing winter storm damage to your home in Eugene is essential to protect your property and ensure your family's safety during harsh weather conditions. Eugene experiences cold, wet winters with occasional snow and ice storms, so being prepared is crucial. Here are some steps you can take to minimize winter storm damage:

Inspect Your Roof: Ensure your roof is in good condition by checking for loose or damaged shingles. Repair any issues promptly to prevent leaks during heavy rain or snow.

Clean Gutters: Clear your gutters and downspouts of leaves and debris. This prevents ice dams from forming and allows melting snow and rain to flow away from your home.

Insulate and Seal: Proper insulation and sealing gaps around doors and windows help keep your home warm and reduce heating costs. It also prevents drafts and cold air from entering.

Pipe Insulation: Insulate exposed water pipes in unheated areas like basements and crawl spaces to prevent freezing and potential pipe bursts.

Heating System Maintenance: Have your heating system serviced before winter to ensure it functions efficiently. Replace filters regularly and consider installing a backup heating source in case of power outages.

Emergency Generator: Invest in a generator to keep essential appliances running during power outages.

Trim Trees: Trim overhanging branches that could break and fall onto your home during a storm. Ice-laden branches can cause significant damage.

Secure Outdoor Items: Store or secure outdoor furniture, grills, and other items that can become projectiles in strong winds.

Emergency Kit: Prepare an emergency kit with essentials like non-perishable food, water, flashlights, batteries, blankets, and a first-aid kit.

Snow Removal Equipment: Have snow shovels, rock salt, and snow blowers on hand for clearing driveways and walkways.

Monitor Weather Forecasts: Stay informed about impending storms by monitoring weather forecasts and advisories. Plan accordingly and avoid unnecessary travel during severe weather.

Prevent Frozen Pipes: On extremely cold nights, allow faucets to drip slightly to prevent pipe freezing. Keep cabinet doors open to allow warm air to reach pipes.

Roof Snow Removal: After heavy snowfall, consider safely removing snow from your roof to prevent excessive weight and potential collapse.

Insurance Review: Review your homeowner's insurance policy to ensure it covers winter storm damage adequately.

Community Resources: Stay connected with your local community and neighbors, as they can be valuable resources during emergencies.

By taking these proactive steps, you can minimize the risk of winter storm damage to your home and ensure the safety and comfort of your family during the colder months.

Call Us Today!

When your home or commercial business in Eugene has storm damage, our North Eugene and Northwest Lane County teams are Here to Help. ® We’ll restore your property damage “Like it never even happened.” Call us today at 541-799-0090.

SERVPRO® franchise is independently owned and operated.

What to do when storm damage impacts your home.

12/5/2023 (Permalink)

Soil erodes from a rainstorm. We restore storm damage 24 hours a day in Lane County.

Our local North Eugene and Northwest Lane County team is a leader in storm damage restoration services. One common cause of storm damage is soil erosion from heavy rain. Here are some of the ways soil erosion can impact homes in Franklin:

Weakening of Soil Stability: When heavy rainfall occurs during a storm, the soil becomes saturated with water. This excess water can weaken the stability of the soil, especially if the soil is already loose or lacks proper vegetation cover.

Increased Runoff: As the rainwater infiltrates into the soil, it creates surface runoff when the soil becomes saturated. This runoff can be significant during storms, especially if the rain is intense and the soil is unable to absorb the water quickly enough.

Transportation of Sediments: As the runoff flows downhill, it carries sediments with it. This includes soil particles, rocks, and debris. These sediments are eroded from the land, making the land vulnerable to further damage.

Clogging of Drainage Systems: The transported sediments can clog drainage systems such as stormwater drains, culverts, and streams. When these systems become blocked, they can no longer effectively carry away excess water, leading to localized flooding.

Increased Flooding Risk: As the runoff continues to flow downhill, it can accumulate in low-lying areas, causing flash flooding. This flooding can damage homes, infrastructure, and agricultural fields.

Loss of Topsoil: Continued soil erosion during storms can result in the loss of valuable topsoil, which is crucial for agriculture. This loss can impact crop yields and agricultural productivity in the affected area.

Landslides: In areas with steep terrain, soil erosion during storms can increase the risk of landslides. Saturated soil becomes unstable and more prone to mass movement, which can be destructive to homes and roads built on or near hillsides.

Riverbank and Coastal Erosion: In areas near rivers or the coast, storm-induced soil erosion can lead to riverbank erosion or coastal erosion. This can threaten infrastructure and property located along these water bodies.

Call Us Today!

When your home or commercial business in Franklin has a storm damage emergency, our North Eugene and Northwest Lane County teams are Here to Help. ® We’ll restore your storm damage “Like it never even happened.” Call us today at 541-799-0090.

SERVPRO® franchises are independently owned and operated.

SERVPRO of North Eugene / NW Lane County: Your Local Experts in Storm Damage Restoration.

11/14/2023 (Permalink)

Kitchen is shown with standing water from heavy rains and storm damage When storm damage strikes, trust SERVPRO of North Eugene / NW Lane County to swiftly restore your property, making it "Like it never even happened." W

When storm damage wreaks havoc on your property, the aftermath can be overwhelming. Whether it's water damage from heavy rains or structural damage from a storm, SERVPRO® of North Eugene / NW Lane County is your local, community-based team of experienced professionals, ready to restore your property and make it "Like it never even happened."

With years of expertise, our team is well-equipped to handle storm-related property damage of any scale. From waterlogged homes to wind-damaged roofs, we've successfully restored countless properties. We understand the urgency of getting your life back to normal.

What sets us apart is our unwavering commitment to our local community. We know the unique challenges faced by North Eugene and NW Lane County residents during storm damage events, and we're just a phone call away, prepared to respond with professionalism and expertise.

Don't let storm damage disrupt your life. Count on SERVPRO of North Eugene / NW Lane County, your trusted local restoration partner, to help you recover and restore your property "Like it never even happened."

SERVPRO of North Eugene / NW Lane County are independently owned and operated.

Franklin Residents Prepare to Weather Winter Storms?

10/10/2023 (Permalink)

A person is caulking a window to prevent water leaks. We are a top choice for storm damage restoration services in Lane County.

Our local North Eugene and Northwest Lane County team wants everyone to be prepared for winter weather in Franklin. The Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety offers these tips to prepare your home for winter.

Upgrade your windows and doors

Create a plan for your home before and after a winter storm

If windows or doors show signs of aging or have gaps or other areas of concern, replace them to avoid potential interior or exterior water damage.

Invest in a generator

This can be especially crucial when temperatures are below freezing, leaving your home vulnerable to frozen pipes. Determine if a portable or permanent generator is the right solution.

 Prevent ice dams

When replacing your roof:

  • Talk to your contractor about adding an ice and vapor moisture barrier
  • Consider roof heat cables along the eaves of the roof to prevent ice dams. Ensure the heating cables are UL Listed, FM Approved, or Canadian Standard Association (CSA) Certified.
  • Enclose Solid Fuel Burning Appliances in Attics. Solid fuel-burning appliances?contribute to warm air build-up and should not be placed openly in the attic space.

Replace insulation, making sure it has an R-value. The higher the R-value, the greater the effectiveness of the insulation.

Upgrade your appliances if they are more than ten years old, and install a programmable thermostat.

Call Us Today!

When your home or business in Franklin has storm damage, our North Eugene and Northwest Lane County teams are Here to Help ® We’ll restore your damage “Like it never even happened.” Call us today at 541-799-0090.

Franchises are independently owned and operated.

Franklin Community Prepares Older Adults to Survive During Disasters?

9/26/2023 (Permalink)

Emergency supplies fill a tabletop. We respond to storm damage emergencies 24 hours a day in Lane County.

Our local North Eugene and Northwest Lane County team wants everyone in Franklin to be prepared in the event a disaster occurs. Climate disasters are on the rise in the United States, causing billions of dollars in damage each year.

In September, the  FEMA) hosts events and awareness campaigns to educate communities about recovering from disasters that challenge our nation. This year the focus is on ensuring older adults have the supplies and resources they need to survive a disaster. The Red Cross reports that older adults are more vulnerable and experience more casualties after natural disasters compared to other age groups. Some factors that make older adults more vulnerable after disasters may include:

  • A greater likelihood to suffer from chronic conditions and the need for associated medications.
  • A greater reliance on assistive devices such as walkers or glasses, as well as support from caregivers and others.
  •  An increased likelihood of social isolation.

Collaborative efforts can include organizing emergency drills, establishing community response teams, and developing communication networks. By cultivating a sense of shared responsibility and preparedness, communities can effectively respond to disasters, reduce panic, and provide assistance to those in need.

Call Us Today!

When your home or commercial business in Franklin has storm damage, our North Eugene and Northwest Lane County teams are Here to Help. ® We’ll restore your property damage “Like it never even happened.” Call us today at 541-799-0090.

Franchises are independently owned and operated.

Do You Have Enough Supplies on Hand to Weather a Severe Storm in Franklin?

8/15/2023 (Permalink)

Emergency Supplies sit on a counter. We are leaders in storm damage restoration services in Lane County.

Our local North Eugene and Northwest Lane County teams want everyone to be prepared to withstand a storm and power outage. Here are some tips from the American Red Cross for preparing for a storm:

  • Stock food and water. Store non-perishable food and water supplies for at least two weeks. Plan to use coolers and ice to extend food refrigeration and keep a thermometer in the fridge, freezer, or cooler to monitor the food temperature.
  • Know and plan for your personal and medical electrical needs. Take an inventory of your electrical needs. Consider both backup and non-power alternatives for lighting, communication, medical devices, refrigerated medicine, cooking, garage doors, locks, and elevators. Discuss a plan with your primary care or medical device providers for your medical needs.
  • Prepare a pet emergency kit for your companion animals.
  • Plan for heating or cooling your home. Use methods such as sealing around windows to insulate your home. If the weather is very hot or very cold, plan to go to a location with air conditioning or with heat. Never use a generator, outdoor stoves, or heaters indoors.
  • Plan for surge protection. Make sure that you have current surge protectors for household electronics.

Call Us Today!

When your home or commercial business in Franklin needs storm damage restoration services, our North Eugene and Northwest Lane County teams are Here to Help. ® We’ll restore your storm damage “Like it never even happened.” Call us today at 541-799-0090.

Franchises are independently owned and operated.

Are Pets Included in Your Storm Emergency Plan in Eugene?

6/13/2023 (Permalink)

Worried dogs look out a car window. We restore storm damage 365 days a year in Lane County.

Are your pets included in your home’s emergency plan? Our local North Eugene and Northwest Lane County teams respond to storm damage emergencies every year in Eugene. Here are some tips from the American Red Cross for keeping your pets safe during a disaster:

Keeping Pets Safe During a Disaster 

  • Make an evacuation plan for you and your pets. Many hotels and shelters do not accept animal guests other than service animals.
  • Include pets in your emergency kit, or assemble an emergency kit for your pet
  • If it’s not safe to stay in your home during an emergency, it is not safe for your pets, either 

Pet Emergency Kits 

  • Sturdy leashes, harnesses, and or carriers to transport pets safely and ensure they can’t escape 
  • Food, drinking water, bowls, cat litter/pan, and a manual can opener if your pets eat canned food 
  • Mediations and copies of medical records are stored in a waterproof container 
  • A first-aid kit 
  • Current photos of your pet in case they get lost 
  • Information on feeding schedules, medical conditions, behavior problems, and the name and number of your veterinarian in case you have to foster or board your pets 
  • Pet beds and toys, if easily transportable 

Call Us Today!

When you need help restoring storm damage in your Eugene home or commercial business, our North Eugene and Northwest Lane County teams will restore the damage “Like it never even happened.” Call us today at 541-799-0090.

Franchises are independently owned and operated.

Franklin Home Damaged by Coastal Winds?

6/6/2023 (Permalink)

A wind sock fills with air during a high wind event. We are leaders in storm damage restoration services in Lane County.

Storms happen throughout the year in Franklin, and when your property sustains damage, our local North Eugene and Northwest Lane County teams are Here to Help. ® Coastal and Frontal Winds can impact Franklin homes and businesses. The National Weather Service describes coastal winds as follows:

Coastal Winds

  • Coastal winds stem from large storm systems moving onshore that can pack quite a punch
  • Often these storms move inland, knocking over power lines and leaving residents in the dark for days
  • Homes and businesses may be damaged when a strong storm moves onshore
  • In addition to damaging property, these winds can cause damage to the natural environment, knocking down trees and causing coastal erosion along the beaches
  • Along the immediate coast, items that are not properly secured may end up being washed out to sea.

Frontal Winds

  • Frontal winds can impact anywhere in the United States
  • The stronger the pressure gradient, the stronger the wind
  • Counterclockwise winds blow around a low, making these winds chilly
  • Sustained wind speeds can reach over 40 miles per hour

Call Us Today!

When you discover wind or other storm damage in your Franklin home or commercial business, our North Eugene and Northwest Lane County teams will restore the storm damage “Like it never even happened.” Call us today at 541-799-0090.

Franchises are independently owned and operated.

Windstorm Causes Property Damage in Franklin?

5/23/2023 (Permalink)

Trees are blown over during a windstorm. We are leaders in storm damage restoration services in Lane County.

Windstorms can cause property damage to homes and businesses in Franklin. Our local North Eugene and Northwest Lane County teams are trained and certified to restore storm damage by the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification. Here are some tips from the State of Oregon website for preparing in advance for a windstorm:

  • Assemble an emergency kit and make a family communication plan
  • If you have a home generator, make sure you know how to use it safely. Follow all instructions and contact the vendor, if necessary. Improper use of a generator can cause carbon monoxide poisoning.
  • Find out who in your area might need special assistance, such as the elderly, disabled, and non-English speaking neighbors
  • Check with your veterinarian for animal care instructions in an emergency situation
  • If you live on a coastal or inland shoreline, be familiar with evacuation routes
  • Know what emergency plans are in place at your workplace, school and daycare center
  • Conduct a home safety evaluation to find out which nearby trees could fall in a windstorm
  • If you have an electric garage door opener, locate the manual override

Call Us Today!

When you discover property damage from a windstorm in your Lane County home or commercial business, our North Eugene and Northwest Lane County teams will mitigate and restore the storm damage “Like it never even happened.” Call us today at 541-799-0090.

Franchises are independently owned and operated.

Thunderstorms Cause Wind Damage in Eugene?

4/3/2023 (Permalink)

Trees are down from a recent storm. We restore properties damaged by winds in Lane County.

Storms bring strong, damaging winds that can down trees and powerlines in Eugene. Our local team in North Eugene and Northwest Lane County are trained and certified to restore wind damage by the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC). We are on call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to respond to storm damage emergencies.  

We Are Storm Damage Specialists

As water and storm damage specialists, we have the experience and advanced training that enables us to restore your property quickly. As soon as we arrive, we will tarp and board up any areas exposed to the elements to minimize the chances of additional damage. We use powerful, industrial-grade water extraction and drying equipment to pull the bulk of the water from the damaged areas quickly.

We use scientific drying principles and provide validation and documentation that your property is dry and the job is complete.

  • Water Damage Restoration Technician
  • Applied Structural Drying Technicians

Call Us Today!

We have established relationships with major insurance providers and can assist you with the paperwork and process.

When your Eugene home or commercial business suffers wind damage, our North Eugene and Northwest Lane County teams are Here to Help. ® Call us today at 541-799-0090.

Franchises are independently owned and operated.

Are You Ready for the Next Big Rainstorm in Franklin?

3/28/2023 (Permalink)

Sandbags are being used to prevent flooding. We are leaders in storm damage restoration services in Lane County.

On average, Franklin gets some kind of precipitation 151 days each year. Our local team in North Eugene and Northwest Lane County are trained and certified to mitigate and restore storm damage by the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC).

Flooding has been recorded in Lane County since the European arrival in 1861, with the most recent flooding event recorded in 1996. The City of Eugene provides free information regarding flood hazards for specific sites within the community and can answer many of your flood-related questions. Staff can assist with flood protection and mitigation design questions and with local flooding concerns. And they can make site visits. 

According to the National Weather Service:

  • Most flash floods are caused by slow-moving thunderstorms that repeatedly move over the same area or heavy rains from tropical storms and hurricanes
  • These floods can develop within minutes or hours depending on the intensity and duration of the rain, the topography, soil conditions, and ground cover
  • Flash floods can roll boulders, tear out trees, destroy buildings and bridges, and scour out new channels
  • Flash flooding can trigger catastrophic mudslides

Call Us Today!

When your home or commercial business in Franklin needs help with water intrusion, flooding, or other storm damage, our North Eugene and Northwest Lane County teams are Here to Help. ® Call us today at 541-799-0090.

Franchises are independently owned and operated.

Franklin Home Damaged by Windstorm?

2/14/2023 (Permalink)

A child is buffeted by a strong wind gust as they attempt to peer through a telescope at a lookout observatory on a windy day We restore storm damage 24 hours a day in Lane County.

Our local team in North Eugene and Northwest Lane County are trusted leaders in storm damage mitigation and remediation services in Franklin. Strong winds can cause tree limbs, and anything not tied down to become dangerous flying projectiles that can significantly damage homes and buildings. Here are some tips for protecting your property from wind damage from the Federal Emergency Management Agency:

Secure Fencing, Porches, Canopies, and Sheds

Have them inspected and make sure they are firmly attached and in sound structural condition. Secure any parts of fencing that appear weak or loose.

Anchor Any Fuel Tanks and External Utility Links

If you have an exterior fuel tank or any utilities located outside, anchor or tie them down according to the ground anchor instructions. This will help reduce the risk of them overturning and sliding.

Trim or Remove Dead, Damaged, or Rotting Trees and Limbs

High winds can cause trees and branches to fall. Make sure any damaged trees on the property are trimmed or removed regularly. Your home should be at least a full-grown tree’s height away from the base of any tree, usually about 40 feet away.

Secure Objects Outside the Home

Loose shingles, your dog’s house, trash cans, and sports equipment can be picked up by the wind and cause damage to your home. Secure outdoor objects like furniture, gutters, and downspouts.

Call Us Today!

Our North Eugene and Northwest Lane County teams are Here to Help ® when your home or commercial business in Franklin needs emergency storm damage restoration services. Call us today at 541-799-0090.

Franchises are independently owned and operated.

Recent Storm Floods Crawl Space in Eugene Home?

1/17/2023 (Permalink)

A crawl space shows visible signs of water damage in the cement block wall. We are leaders in storm damage restoration services in Lane County.

Our North Eugene and Northwest Lane County team respond to storm and flooding emergencies every winter. After any major storm or flooding event, having your home’s crawl space inspected is a good idea. You can prevent some crawl space flooding by ensuring water drains away from the building. Water is invasive and will quickly find its way into a structure when water is allowed to pool around the foundation. After a storm, or when the ground is already saturated by rainwater, the water may enter the crawl space. When water gets into a crawl space, there is the potential for moisture damage, mold damage, foul odors, and pest infestations.

Moisture damage:                                                                                         

  • Storm drain backups
  • Oversaturated soil from heavy rain
  • Gutter and downspout issues
  • Flooding

Causes of mold in the crawl space include:

  • A possible sewage backup due to a clog in the sewer line
  • Decaying organic matter such as manure, leaves, or dead animals
  • Groundwater leakage
  • Plumbing leaks

Bad odors:

  • Dead animals or animal waste
  • Moldy soil
  • Sewage backup

Pests seeking warmth and moisture include:

  • Rodents
  • Snakes
  • Termites, ants, wasps, cockroaches, beetles, and spiders
  • Wild mammals: skunks, raccoons, groundhogs, and opossums

Call Us Today!

When you need a crawl space inspection in your home or business in Eugene, our North Eugene and Northwest Lane County teams are Here to Help. ® Call us today at 541-799-0090.

Franchises are independently owned and operated.

How Can I Prevent Stormwater Intrusion Into My Franklin Home?

12/13/2022 (Permalink)

Storm clouds are seen at sunset. We respond to storm damage emergencies 24-hours a day in Eugene.

Our North Eugene and Northwest Lane County team has been responding to storm damage emergencies for Franklin residents and businesses for many years. Along with the rain comes the challenges presented by water intrusion.  Here are some helpful tips from the Insurance Information Institute to keep your home protected from unwanted water:

Inspect and Repair Your Home’s Exterior

You can prevent water from entering your home by inspecting your home’s exterior for any place where water can enter the home and making repairs as needed.

  • Caulk and seal windows
  • Inspect the roof for missing and aging shingles
  • Check your rain gutters and remove any debris that may be clogging them
  • Check your downspouts and clear any clogs and make sure they are draining away from the house
  • Gutter guards are a good way to prevent clogs and water intrusion into the house
  • Check your sprinkler systems and make sure they are not spraying water into the house and that water is not pooling around the home’s foundation
  • Make sure water drains away from the building.Water is invasive and will quickly find its way into a structure when water is allowed to pool around the foundation. After a storm, or when the ground is already saturated by rainwater, the water may enter the foundation wall through cracks.

Call Us Today!

When you have a storm damage emergency in your Franklin home or commercial business, our North Eugene and Northwest Lane County teams are Here to Help. ® Call us today at 541-799-0090.

Franchises are independently owned and operated.

What Can I Do to Prepare for a Power Outage in Eugene?

11/21/2022 (Permalink)

Candles light up a room during a power outage. We are leaders in storm damage restoration services in Lane County.

Are you prepared for power outages? Winter is coming, and our North Eugene and Northwest Lane County teams want everyone in Eugene to be ready in case there is a loss of power during a storm. Here are some tips on preparing for a power outage from the American Red Cross:

Create a support network. Identify people who can help you stay at home or evacuate during an extended power outage. Keep a paper copy of your contact list.

Stay connected and alert. Sign up for alert systems and apps for text alerts. Have communication devices that work without home power, including a crank or battery radio, a non-cordless home phone, and chargers/batteries for your cell phones and your computers.

Stock food and water. Store non-perishable food and water supplies for at least two weeks. Plan to use coolers and ice to extend food refrigeration and keep a thermometer in the fridge, freezer, or cooler to monitor the food temperature.

Know and plan for your personal and medical electrical needs. Take an inventory of your electrical needs. Consider backup and non-power alternatives for lighting, communication, medical devices, refrigerated medicine, cooking, garage doors, locks, and elevators. Discuss a plan with your doctors for your medical needs.

Call Us Today!

When you have storm damage in your Eugene home or commercial business, our North Eugene and Northwest Lane County teams are Here to Help. ® Call us today at 541-799-0090.

Franchises are independently owned and operated.

Resident Struck By Lightning in Franklin?

10/17/2022 (Permalink)

Lightning fills the night sky. We are leaders in storm damage restoration services in North Eugene!

Our North Eugene and Northwest Lane County teams respond to storm damage emergencies throughout the year in Franklin and offer these lightning safety tips from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration:  

  • Avoid isolated tall trees, hilltops, utility poles, cell phone towers, cranes, large equipment, ladders, scaffolding, or rooftops
  • Avoid open areas, such as fields
  • Never lie flat on the ground
  • Retreat to dense areas of smaller trees that are surrounded by larger trees, or retreat to low-lying areas but watch for flooding
  • Avoid water, and immediately get out of and away from bodies of water
  • Avoid wiring, plumbing, and fencing. Stay away from all metal objects, equipment, and surfaces that can conduct electricity.
  • Do not shelter in sheds, pavilions, tents, or covered porches as they do not provide adequate protection from lightning
  • Seek fully enclosed, substantial buildings with wiring and plumbing. The interior wiring and plumbing in modern buildings will act as an earth ground.
  • A building is a safe shelter as long as you are not in contact with anything that can conduct electricity (e.g., electrical equipment or cords, plumbing fixtures, corded phones). Do not lean against concrete walls or floors (which may have metal bars inside).

Call Us Today!

When you have a storm damage emergency in your Franklin home or commercial business, our North Eugene and Northwest Lane County teams are Here to Help. ® Call us today at 541-799-0090.

Franchises are independently owned and operated.

How Can I Stay Safe During a Thunderstorm in Eugene?

8/2/2022 (Permalink)

A thunderstorm is forming in the afternoon sky. We restore storm damage 24-hours a day in Lane County.

Most thunderstorms move into Oregon from the Pacific Ocean. Severe thunderstorms can produce winds of fifty-eight miles per hour or more! These storms can produce hail, heavy rain, lightning, and tornadoes under the right conditions. Our North Eugene and Northwest Lane County team respond to storm damage emergencies every year in Eugene. Here are some thunderstorm safety tips from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA):

Lightning: What You Need to Know

  • No place outside is safe when thunderstorms are in the area!
  • If you hear thunder, lightning is close enough to strike you
  • When you hear thunder, immediately move to a safe shelter: a substantial building with electricity or plumbing or an enclosed, metal-topped vehicle with windows up

Indoor Lightning Safety

  • Stay off of corded phones, computers, and other electrical equipment that put you in direct contact with electricity
  • Avoid plumbing, including sinks, baths, and faucets
  • Stay away from windows and doors and stay off porches
  • Do not lie on concrete floors, and do not lean against concrete walls

Call Us Today!

When you have storm damage and need restoration services, Eugene residents and businesses can trust our local team in North Eugene and Northwest Lane County to restore the storm damage quickly and efficiently. Call us today at 541-799-0090.

Franchises are independently owned and operated.

Flooding and Storm Damage Safety Tips for Eugene?

6/21/2022 (Permalink)

A flooded road is closed. We are trusted leaders in storm damage restoration in Lane County.

Our technicians in North Eugene and Northwest Lane County respond to storm damage emergencies in the Eugene area 24-hours a day. According to the City of Eugene, between 25 to 30 percent of flood losses occur in areas outside of high-flood-risk areas.

Here are some tips from Federal Emergency Management Agency on things you can do to stay safe during a flood:

  • If told to evacuate, evacuate immediately. Never drive around barricades. Local responders use them to safely direct traffic out of flooded areas.
  • Contact your health provider if you are sick and need medical attention. Wait for further care instructions and shelter in place, if possible. Call 9-1-1 if you have a medical emergency.
  • Listen to EAS, NOAA Weather Radio, or local alerting systems for current information and instructions regarding flooding
  • Get to the highest level if trapped in a building. Do not climb into a closed attic space and only get on the roof if necessary and once there is a signal for help.
  • Stay off bridges and out of fast-moving water. Turn Around. Don’t Drown!
  • Say inside your car if it is trapped in rapidly moving water. Get on the roof if water is rising inside the vehicle.

Call Us Today!

If your Eugene home or business has flooding or storm damage and needs our restoration services, our North Eugene and Northwest Lane County team is Here to Help. ® We’ll restore your storm damage “Like it never even happened.” Call us today at 541-799-0090.

Franchises are independently owned and operated.

What Do I Need to Stock in an Emergency Survival Kit in Franklin?

5/17/2022 (Permalink)

Survival kit materials sit on a tabletop. We respond to storm damage emergencies 24-hours a day in Lane County.

Our local team in North Eugene and Northwest Lane County mitigates and restores storm damage for Franklin homes and commercial businesses every year. Our technicians are on-call 24-hours a day, every day, and we typically arrive onsite within four hours of your call for help. Here are some tips from the American Red Cross on things to include in an emergency survival kit:

  • Water: one gallon per person, per day (3-day supply for evacuation, 2-week supply for home)
  • Food: non-perishable, easy-to-prepare items (3-day supply for evacuation, 2-week supply for home)
  • Flashlight 
  • Battery-powered or hand-crank radio (NOAA Weather Radio, if possible)
  • Extra batteries 
  • Deluxe family first aid kit
  • Medications (7-day supply) and medical items
  • Multi-purpose tool
  • Sanitation and personal hygiene items
  • Copies of personal documents (medication list and pertinent medical information, proof of address, deed/lease to home, passports, birth certificates, insurance policies)
  • Cell phone with chargers (similar item available in the Red Cross Store)
  • Family and emergency contact information
  • Extra cash
  • Emergency blanket
  • Maps of the area

 Call Us!

When your Franklin home or commercial business experiences storm damage, our North Eugene and Northwest Lane County team is Here to Help. ® We’ll restore your storm damage, “Like it never even happened.” Call us today at 541-799-0090.

Franchises are independently owned and operated.

Storm-damaged Roof in Lane County?

5/1/2022 (Permalink)

A roof is shown with damaged shingles. We are trusted leaders in storm damage mitigation in Lane County.

Storm Damage Can Happen When You Least Expect It

When my Lane County home was damaged in a recent storm, we were out of town, and the damage wasn’t discovered for a few days. A tree had broken a window and water and debris were everywhere. My insurance adjuster told me to call [franchise name and hyperlink] and I’m glad I did.

SERVPRO of North Eugene / NW Lane County has been responding to storm damage emergencies for years in the Lane County area and knows that severe weather is unpredictable and storm damage happens no matter how well prepared we are. After a storm has passed is a good time to inspect your roof for storm damage (if possible) and make repairs as needed.

Storm Damage Roof Inspection

Look for obvious signs of damage to the roof, including damaged roof shingles, damaged roof gutters, and downspouts. Check roof vents and look for cracks in weather stripping around doors and windows. Replace damaged materials as necessary.

Call Us Today!

SERVPRO of North Eugene / NW Lane County has a team of highly trained technicians with the specialized training and experience to clean and restore storm damage quickly and efficiently.